Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Spice Rack was in Disarray

Wednesday's episode of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" brought to my attention of a new soda company trying to appeal to an interesting demographic. Mecca-Cola is a new company trying to break into the competitive soft drink buisiness to try and fight against the tryanny of western imperialism by using its own tactics. At first, I thought this must be a gag on the Daily Show, this can't be real. No Muslim would stoop so low as to whore out the name of the holiest city in their entire religion, would they? Well, if you click on that link, you will find out just how serious they are about this. As Stephen Colbert said, "...they aren't that different from us."

I wonder how long it will take for other major religions to catch up. Not one to be left behind in the times (after all, it only took the pope 30 years to get with this whole "feminism" thing) the Catholic church will undoubtedly begin their own line of fast food restaraunts which would, of course, cater to those who believe in transubstantiation. I mean, who wouldn't want a quarter-pound of Jesus Christ for just $0.99? Its corporations like Mecca-Cola that reinforce my decision to stay athiest. I don't want any part of that.


Blogger 111 said...

Nice sentiment? I just want to post my opinion about this whole thing (the quotes are from their site):

"militant people who are experiencing financial difficulties have no other alternative than to create profit-making activities to enable them to achieve their objectives" - Yeah, like blowing up the trade centers.

"One of the perversions of capitalism lies in the generation within oneself of the most brutal and the most inhumane part of oneself. " - Firstly, who the fuck wrote this, and second, the last time I checked the only system to bring prosperity to its people was, oh, hmm, CAPITALISM?? So what if we like SUV's and big screens, at least our people eat.

"The Palestinian people are experiencing indifference and general complicity, these being the most wretched and the most contemptible acts of apartheid and Zionist fascism... we can only adhere to our precepts, namely, give back the good that we have received in greater measure, but also spread good around oneself... we have opted for the distribution of a share (wow 10 whole percent. The rest will go to purchase nukes, chemical weapons, and grenades.) of the dividends in countries which have so generously welcomed us (read: terrorist supporting countries), and in the populations amongst whom we live." - Last time I checked, America has welcomed with open arms people from all around the country... wait we are zionist, scum pigs. Damn, I always forget that.

"... Mecca-Cola Beverage France gives 20 % of its net profits to charities. 10 % will go to Palestinian charities which are strictly humanitarian and which gives priority to child welfare and skill education." - This is just like France, always working against humanity, the bastards. So ten percent go to teaching kids how Americans are the root of all evil. And ten percent goes to the charities that create the strap on bombs for said educated children to walk into banks, malls, etc. to blow themselves up with. PERFECT!

"The Mecca-Cola association will use all the means at its disposal to ensure that the aid that it gives is not diverted from its intended purpose and that it is not sent to support fighting factions." - Read: All of our profits will go to support the killing of Americans, but we will try really, really hard to prevent that. If they can't feed their people how the hell are they supposed to be able to control their money? I doubt they have banks insured by the feds and monitored by like, computers and stuff. Really, who the Hell has to point out their money isn't going to support terrorism? BUY OUR COLA, IT won't kill you! But, our extremist, psychopath Muslim followers will.

Man, Americans are scum. I am ordering cases of this shit.

August 12, 2004 at 7:12 PM  

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