Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Serious Moment

Last monday night, almost a week ago now, my sister was in Salem, drinking with a number of boys (this being the second time in her life that she has gotten drunk) and she fell out of a second story window. After most of them fled the scene, a paramedic found her, called an ambulance, and she was rushed to the Salem hospital where she was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Her entire right side of her body was paralyzed, and she was unable to regain conciousness for several hours.

As you can imagine, this was something of a... shock for my mother and I. Seeing my little sister Tanya (barley eighteen years old) hooked up to all the machinery, with a neckbrace, a triple pump IV, it was a bit much. She was discharged from the hospital on thursday, and we took her home, where she is slowly regaining the ability to walk. Fortunately, it looks like Tanya will make an almost full recovery, although it is unknown at this time if she will ever completely recover movement of her right foot and ankle.

It's hard to imagine that my entire family is just my mother, Tanya, and I. All of our relatives are far away and we keep limited contact with them, if something happens to one of us, it'll just be two left, which isn't much of a family in a way. I'm spending more time with Tanya now, and we're trying to keep her spirits up, as she was robbed of her much vaunted independence for some time; I just hope this is a wake up call for her to get her life going in the right direction.

For anyone that reads this and knows my mother and/or my sister, you can contact me or them to arrange a visit if you would so like, I'm sure they would appreciate it.


Blogger Andrew said...

Pass along my best wishes.

August 14, 2005 at 10:59 PM  
Blogger 111 said...

You need to find those boys who felt it was ok to ditch her and show them what is up. Coward little pricks. I hope she is doing ok now.

August 20, 2005 at 8:25 AM  

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