Sunday, January 02, 2005

I'm afraid that I don't take much solace in the fact that the implosion trigger functioned perfectly

The holidays have finally come and gone, I'm better for it. Christmas time seems to breed this infectious optimism and insistence on family "togetherness" that I would rather just avoid, thankyouverymuch. Fortunately, my mother recognizes my desire to be left to my own devices, and does so with a moderate degree of success. Besides, my mom and sister are far to absorbed by their new little puppy, a hyperactive breed called Blue Healers. His name is Ike.

New Year's was a lot of fun for me, though. I went to see a friend who is a Lewis & Clark alumni who lives near campus and some of my college friends who are living around town had a little (non-alcoholic) party. We played Mario Kart- where I owned everyone, as usual- and some Mario Tennis where I most certainly DO NOT own. Besides that, I stayed up until about four in the morning gossiping with a bunch of girls Brie brought over and managed to lose really badly at the Great Dalmuti. I hope everyone else had fun, or at least, decent New Year's parties (especially poor Andy who got screwed with working the whole night).

Now most of the people I know around here are gearing up to jump back into school while I get to linger on in this limbo-like state of over two more weeks of break. If anyone ever wonders what I'm up to, I can assure you that it involves nothing interesting.


Blogger Charles said...

Actually, a little bit. You see, at about three in the morning, one of them (I don't remember who, either Megan, Amanda, or Marissa) asked "Hey, why isn't Brendon here?" I said that you were probably doing stuff with your other friends... In Kentucky. Then they understood.

January 3, 2005 at 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're havin' fun. Hope to see you and everybody else soon.


January 5, 2005 at 3:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for fun vacations! Yay for puppies! Yay for going back to LC in two weeks! It'll be a fun semester if we have to cram it down your throat.
. . . I'll shut up now.

January 5, 2005 at 10:01 PM  

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