Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Motivation, such an aggravation

I will not date someone when I am on the rebound, no matter how much I want to. This is a terrible frustration for me, but I can do it. Oddly enough, this has helped me enormously. That belligerent bitterness Andy prophecied has indeed come to fruition, and I am happily enjoying it. At some point, I will go back to posting normal tripe about stuff, but this is all I've been doing lately. At some point, I must out-do Brad's posting, if that's possible.

Good things. I've discovered that the Lewis and Clark english department keeps track of dozens of literary contests and scholarships that occur year round. I'm hope to squeeze out a 14,000 word short story before March 31st, and I think I can do it. When Lyndsey left, she took most of my inspiration with her, but it has slowly trickled back as I recover from all of this.

Also, I might have an oppurtunity to stay around campus for the summer. There are summer job programs for students, and I know people who are looking into renting some of the cheap houses around here who also want to stay over the summer. Originally, I wasn't interested in this because I wanted to be around Lyndsey, but now that's over, I have a great oppurtunity to be free and independent. It may not work out because of... other complications, but I feel good about it right now.

No more links, please.


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