Monday, September 12, 2005

Responsibility, what's that?

Well the summer came to a spectacular finale (sarcasm) and I am finally back in school (sorrow). So far, I've been showing a surprising amount of enthusiasm for my classes, particularly my English literature courses (dim hope) both of which I was somewhat dreading for my previous lack of interest in stodgy English writings (reminiscence). With Erik overseas and Stephan graduated many of the responsibilities of the Lewis and Clark Gaming Society have fallen upon myself and Brian (dread). We've already had two very successful nights of 'Ninja' and we had over 30 new signups for the gaming society this year, putting at us still being the largest and longest running group on campus.

This year I have papers due almost every week starting this week, and while that isn't the most terrific news (truth) on some level I enjoy flaunting my natural talent and interest in non-fiction prose (total bullshit). Finally, I close by mentioning the annual cross-dressing dancing is coming up, and in pervious years I have shunned it, this year I may just give it a whirl (confused excitement).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did i ever tell you that youre the hottest girl i know?


September 13, 2005 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wear a long skirt, or be willing to shave.

September 14, 2005 at 1:31 PM  

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