Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Now is the winter of our discontent

Made glorious by this Sun of York.

As usual, I have nothing to say about what I have been doing at school, even though I am doing a great many things. Some things Jedi would consider unnatural. About a week ago, I acquired through VERY LEGITIMATE means a copy of Final Fantasy: Advent Children for my computer's over-taxed harddrive and it is worth every megabyte. The movie was clearly made for nerdy boys as the CG is incredible, 70% of the camera time is action, action, action, and there is no romance to speak of to slow down the all-important animated violence. If you anime, you'll like this movie, and if you don't like anime, you'll still probably like it to a certain extent. While the film was made to capitalize on the enormous fanbase of Final Fantasy VII, it's still quite appealing to the Squaresoft "layman."

Additionally, this week marks the kickoff of my Vampire: The Masquerade game that has had much anticipation here at school, and it seems to be shaping up nicely. I have spent countless hours writing complex characters, what I feel is a layered plot, and made preparations to have two experienced Storytellers aid me in running the game, I think it's going to be great. I have to practice my improvisational speaking and acting skills, as well as prepare some nifty costume switches, as nerdy as all that sounds, everyone seems to have a really good time.

This semester I've been taking a course concisely titled "An Introduction to Shakespeare" which has been going wonderfully; some of you may have noticed the tagline title from Gloucester's opening speech in Richard III. I have long been a critic of lionizing the man, but upon in depth study of some of his early works I am beginning to appreciate the brilliance that many an English scholar has discovered buried in the texts.

Exit pursued by bear.


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