Thursday, April 01, 2004

Big, radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me...

At first, I thought it was a mean-spirited April Fool's joke. I mean, to get people's hopes up about having 1000 megabytes of storage space on a free web mail server, and google no less. But it must be true, because Google is on the verge of going public and why would they lie to the NY Times, Reuters, CNN, and the Associated Press? Such a ridiculous hijink could kill their stock on the open market, but if they are really serious about Gmail, then they are set to make a killing. Check out the various linked reports yourself.

I signed up for a Writer's Workshop in the Japanese gardens in a little over a week's time. It should be interesting; I'm supposed to bring writing materials and a small object that signifies my connection to nature. The workshop goes from nine to four, so we'll see if anything cool happens. Call (503) 223-1321 if you're interested in signing up.

Today I will research and write my Thesis prospectus (bleh, I hate prospectuses) and write my fourth and final essay on an element of short story writing. As of yet, I have no idea what the hell that paper will be about, but I'll figure something out. Then I get to start researching for another paper in my Modern European History class. Hooray! Research!

I will point out to certain individuals who do not use short paragraphs for their posts (you know who you are) how easy to read and organized my post appears. Notice the easily defined points I intended to make and how you can skip things you don't care about. Please follow suit, so that Andy and I can keep our eyesight, because not all of us where glasses... yet.


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