Sunday, April 04, 2004

What does the "G" stand for?

I don't know...

Yesterday was my roommates birthday. So we got together about eight of our friends and made a pilgrimage to Chinatown to eat at a seafood Dim Sum restaurant. That was my second time eating Dim Sum, and I think I can now actually identify a few of the dishes, but I still don't know any of the names. We all ate until we could barely move (as is appropriate at such places) and we began to migrate around Portland like a flock of well-fed pigeons. Eventually, the group began to splinter as members had "other plans" and "homework." These endeavors confused me, because I am not accustomed to such things.

Adnan decided for us, however, that we should go see Hellboy. Adnan, of course, being the only person there who actually read the comics, was the only one of us who didn't enjoy the movie. Go figure. I thought it was really fun, and I immediately recognized the "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" factor that Andy mentioned. The end blew hard, because it was really lame and anti-climactic, but the rest of the movie was awesome and I enjoyed the whole thing.

In the end, we made our way to Long Island Pizza, which is a pizza/Lebanese cuisine restaurant (an interesting combination, to be sure) where Brendon and Autumn took pictures of Adnan and I sharing a coke while gazing into each others eyes longingly. I dread to see it when it is developed.

I've been playing Dungeon Keeper 2 a shitload lately, and I would highly recommend the game to all of you out there in blogger/gamer land. You can pick it out of a bargain bin for like five bucks, and I guarantee you will get more than your money's worth. Check it out.


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