Saturday, November 20, 2004

Rego Mortis

As is customary, I have a post dedicated soley to my new schedule for next semester. Unfortunately, it looks like that young college upstart, Nathan, has beat me to the punch this semester. I have an odd semester this spring, with it being both "front-loaded" along the week, and with an evening class almost every day.

10:20am - 11:20am History 259 India: Age of Empire 500-1800
5:30pm - 7:00pm Education 275 Developing the Potential of the Learning-Disabled Child
7:00pm - 8:30pm History 225 Europe-Age of French Revolution

9:40am - 11:20am English 208 Prose Writing: Creative Nonfiction
7:00pm - 8:30pm English 206 Major Periods and Issues in English Literature

10:20am - 11:20am History 259 India: Age of Empire 500-1800
7:00pm - 8:30pm History 225 Europe-Age of French Revolution

9:40am - 11:20am English 208 Prose Writing: Creative Nonfiction
7:00pm - 8:30pm English 206 Major Periods and Issues in English Literature

10:20am - 11:20am History 259 India: Age of Empire 500-1800

So, as you can see, my course load really seems to soften up as the week goes on. I hope this works out well. In addition, as soon as I figure out how to post pictures on my blog, I will make a post fully fleshing out the rules for "Ninja," as requested by Nathan and Peter.