Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I am unstoppable!

Nathan's ant-like form is no match for my cepholopod samurai!

The Dream is Over

Hordes of Underdark, simply put, is fun. The game itself isn't a mindblowing experience or revolution in video game technology that will eventually lead to killer AT&T robots raping and killing us, it's just harmless slaughter of denizens of darkness and evil: nerds of all types.

As promised, I attempted to program in comments for my page- and by "program" I mean "paste scripts provided to me by HaloScan" I'm publishing this post, partly, to see if they work.

In light of recent events I will promptly be throwing myself into a pit of boiling grease because my faith in humanity has been utterly destroyed. I would request, however, that you all get a chance to fly in formation when you assault a woman's fertile areas.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Holier Than Thou

Finally. I finally defeated my life-long nemesis... Neverwinter Nights. I will now be jumping right into Hordes of Underdark.

But, on a happier note, some historians have no real life or worthwhile endeavors to toil away upon. While I commend the lusty thirst for knowledge and organization of said bawdy learnings, perhaps this is too much. Their insistance upon being "neutral" on the subject brings to light some interesting questions.

Questions like: Why God, why do you torture me with no Fallout 3? Or System Shock 3? Or even fucking Half-Life 2 and Halo 2, which I am convinced will never actually be released. They will forever haunt my dreams of gaming glory like the elusive fallen angel, Duke Nukem Forever.

I think that most of you have seen this but I want to make absolutely sure.

I love this video.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Best use of monkeys in a first-person shooter

Equilibrium is both a sweet, sweet gunfight and a terrible coconut-flavored plotline. World War III ravaged mankind, so we're going to randomly blame... Emotion. Christian Bale gives a stellar performance, but the movie unfortunately lacks his sexy naked posterior and prostitutes killed by falling chainsaws.

"Hey Patrick, is that a raincoat you're wearing?"
"Why yes it is!"

Blog blog rant blog opinion metaphor blog rant random link

These comics are produced by a real, honest-to-God church. They're trying to discourage roleplaying. Good for them, it's nice to have dreams.