That Joan of Arc, she's one tasty piece of bitch!
Like Peter, I have given my blog a deep obsidian hue to protest this strangling of free speech.
Fortunately, my new ebony look is kind of gothic and sexy... God I want me.
Blog descriptions are for the weak. I will crush you all.
Like Peter, I have given my blog a deep obsidian hue to protest this strangling of free speech.
Fortunately, my new ebony look is kind of gothic and sexy... God I want me.
I used to believe that some wars were more terrible than others. I thought that the two world wars were horrible, but modern wars such as the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the middle east were worse because you aren't fighting for some "great cause" of liberation or freedom. My view has definetely changed after reading All Quiet on the Western Front, which really depicts the pointlessness and hopelessness of war. I know I sound like some hippie or something, but the depiction of conflict in this novel really got to me. In total, I have read fiction covering the American Revolutionary War (My Brother Sam is Dead), the American Civil War (The Red Badge of Courage) and now World War I. And even as horrible as the first world war was, it was nothing compared to the destruction of the second world war, or "the great war" as the history channel so often labels it. It certainly makes me appreciate the atmosphere of Call of Duty that much more...
Real acid?
Call of Duty, is, in a word, orgasmic. I just plowed my way through the American and British missions on regular (Jon is, of course, playing the game on Hardened because he hates himself) and I am currently attempting to retake Stalingrad... without a gun. That's the Russian army for you; when I finally got a weapon it was, of course, a piece of crap. I look forward to prying a MP40 from some poor Germans dead hands.
If you like shooters and/or WWII games, play this one. I know the genre is getting pretty old, but in CoD you can shoot Germans in their head and watch their helmet fly off. Pretty cool stuff.
Furthermore, I will begin to intrepidly assault my legions of homework gremlins. My warmup will be to read the entirity of the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front. Followed by research into the economics of fusion power, from which I will derive a thesis topic for my Inventing America term paper. I know I've got some other crap I need to work on, but I can't really think about it right now, since I can still smell the gun-powder and see the horrors of the Caen bridge during Operation Market Garden.
School starts again in less than three days... suckyness.
We had fun. Council chambers is effectively a small theater that we controlled for six straight hours. Halo (which everyone didn't like because I won by such huge margins), Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, and Soul Caliber II were all played on a massive projector screen. Additionally, Catherine, being the intelligent person she is, suggested that we watch Star Wars on our projector screen.
We settled on Empire Strikes Back, arguably the best of the three films. On another note, my roommate has a pirated Star Wars: A New Hope DVD which we enjoyed last night. My only response was holy shit, must buy Star Wars DVD's when they come out. It wasn't even the special edition either, it was the origional. DVD quality Star Wars kicks more ass than anything you've ever seen.
Ugh, I have to start doing my spring break homework soon... I am going to read All Quiet on the Western Front, research and annotate two term paper bibliographies, and I need to find a good short story to give my Introduction to the Short Story term presentation on. Any suggestions out there in blogger-land?
Spring break feels so very, very good. On one hand, Bon Apetite isn't open over the break, so I have to prepare my own food. But, since I have been released from the tyranny of the Bon, I have the flexibility to eat whatever I want whenever I want. But the toppings are also cursed. That's bad.
We (about eight of my friends who are still on campus) have taken up the midnight activity of sneaking around Templeton Student Center with squirt guns playing a little bit of what I have dubbed "mission impossible." Two teams of four, one hit kill squirt guns (little squirt guns), and an empty building full of places to ambush the enemy. It was fun. Today, we have reserved council chambers for about six hours, and we plan on watching movies and playing video games on a theater-sized screen. Additionally, I will be running my totally kick-ass vampire game some time tonight and tomorrow.
Happy Surgery day, Andy! I forgot to get you a surgery day present because I thought that candy wouldn't quite be appropriate for someone who is getting their wisdom teeth pulled. Besides, you always ruin surgery day.
If any of you folks out there in blogville would like to come visit my humble college dorm, feel free to drive up. My mom can give you perfect directions (because it is disgustingly easy to drive to Lewis and Clark) and I'll be around for most of the week. If anyone is interested, we will be having a tournament for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle card game on this upcoming weekend. Lots of people barely know how to play, but it will be lots of fun. It costs four dollars to get in, but you get a free T-Shirt if you win.
Justice in the world of business.
A post just for the mighty Shaun, my co-conspiritor who aided me in my battle of annoyance versus the tryanny of Brad-the-Destroyer who insisted that we "work" or some such on the Soul Prints Literary magazine. What a jerk...
My hotmail account is
My school e-mail is
Note that my school account is checked multiple times a day, while my hotmail account usually gets hit about once a day because nobody sends me e-mails any more since we all have web logs- also known as "blogs"- and are too good to send me correspondance any more.
Linky linky link.
I will not date someone when I am on the rebound, no matter how much I want to. This is a terrible frustration for me, but I can do it. Oddly enough, this has helped me enormously. That belligerent bitterness Andy prophecied has indeed come to fruition, and I am happily enjoying it. At some point, I will go back to posting normal tripe about stuff, but this is all I've been doing lately. At some point, I must out-do Brad's posting, if that's possible.
Good things. I've discovered that the Lewis and Clark english department keeps track of dozens of literary contests and scholarships that occur year round. I'm hope to squeeze out a 14,000 word short story before March 31st, and I think I can do it. When Lyndsey left, she took most of my inspiration with her, but it has slowly trickled back as I recover from all of this.
Also, I might have an oppurtunity to stay around campus for the summer. There are summer job programs for students, and I know people who are looking into renting some of the cheap houses around here who also want to stay over the summer. Originally, I wasn't interested in this because I wanted to be around Lyndsey, but now that's over, I have a great oppurtunity to be free and independent. It may not work out because of... other complications, but I feel good about it right now.
No more links, please.
All I really have to post about is the fact that I've been through a lot lately with Lyndsey and whatnot, but I'm finally ready to move on. I've found a wonderful person who I enjoy gaming with and watching anime, and I finally mustered the intestinal fortitude to ask her out. It went pretty well, and we're not sure if we are going to "date" yet, but we can still have a lot of fun together.
Foolish humans, I will destroy you all! Destruction is nice!
Hey, a post with no links.
Sometimes it feels like purgatory. I don't know if I will accumulate enough points though...
For those of you who have been talking to me lately, you know that I've been a little too... preoccupied to post anything signifigant. For what it is worth, I'm slowly getting better, but I still have to see counselors and other unpleasntness. On the upshot, though, it turns out that it takes about 1.8 tons of raw material to manufacture a single, desktop PC.
I feel like a broken record, because I mostly post to link people to cool stuff; mostly short films. But if there is one single thing you look at when reading this post, read Same Difference. It's a really good story, full of awesome comedy, drama, and general random life stuff. I really appreciated it last semester when I was reading it after staying up until five in the morning to write a paper about how Socrates and Sophocles defined justice in The Republic and Antigone. Fun stuff.
Although certain bloggers post about controversal topics that stiumulate intelligent (and not so intelligent) debate, I have something much more important to post about: Mario Brothers. If you have not seen these films, you have not truly lived or appreciated smoothies.
Part One can be found here.
Part Two can be found here.
Part Three can be found here.
Check them out.
Or is he? Painkiller is what I would term a throwback to older shooters, an "orgy of zombie killing fun" would be the technical industry term. I've never fired so many deliciously satisfying holy stakes into the breasts of so many irresistably lovable walking dead. The melee weapon is basically a portable meat-grinder that makes a delightful sound when you cut of the limbs of some poor ghoul. Unfortunately, the graphics are a bit much for my dated GeForce MX, so there's a bit of slowdown.
By the way... Why name a game Painkiller, you ask? I'll tell you: YOU CAN'T SAVE! And the enemies deal a shitload of damage. Easy to dodge, but one little mistake sends you back to the beginning. That's the pain part, the killer part comes when I find the idiot who made a demo where you can't save.
CNN can't do statistical analysis. I totally agree with Ars Technica that 2 to 7 percent of America's adult internet-using population is a fuck-ton of people. A "fuck-ton" is equivielent to 220,000 units, by the way.
If nothing ever converted me to Christianity before, this might...
Ha ha! You may only comment on top of the post, mwah ha ha ha ha ha!
Nanowireing, that is. I haven't posted in such a long time because a) I had four essays and a history midterm in two weeks, and b) stupid HaloScan foiled me at every turn. I have finally added comments! And they're on the top of the page, instead of the bottom, because I don't want to fuck with the code template on this stupid blog anymore.
I was devastated by the news.
Not too long ago I discovered that my roommate ownes Dungeon Keeper 2, possibly one of the best game ever made in sheer mindless fun and stupid humor. In the same category, I am determined to beat Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles without failing my classes. This may not be possible, but I plan to try.
Damn, every time I go to write on this damn thing I have so much to say, but then I can't think of anything. It doesn't matter because nobody reads my blog.